Evidence Based Practice (EBP): is the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values which when applied by practicioners, will ultimately lead to improved patient outcomes.

Functional Family Therapy (FFT)


FFT is a Licensed, Evidence Based, short-term, high quality intervention program that lasts three to five months. FFT works primarily with 11-to 18-year-old youth who have been referred for mild to severe behavioral and emotional problems by the juvenile justice system, mental health system, school system, or child welfare system. Services are conducted in both office and home settings, and can also be provided in schools, child welfare facilities, probation and parole offices, within aftercare systems, and mental health facilities.


Intensive Care Coordination (ICC)


We provide Intensive Care Coordination which is a service that uses the High Fidelity Wraparound model to plan, process, and coordinate multiple services and supports for youth and their families. Completed to fidelity, this is an Evidence Based model that values the youth & family voice and choice so that self-efficacy can be achieved. This service is led by a Certified Facilitator and supervised by a Licensed Eliglble professional or higher.


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