Holistic Intensive Engagement ©


This service takes a holistic approach to the child and family which encompasses three main focuses: 1) Home Life 2) School Life, and 3) Social Life. These focuses allow our Holistic Youth Advisor to address several areas of need by utilizing a five phase system. This system is used in conjunction with a 30-day service plan to ensure the best scenario for healthy progress is realized. One of the ultimate goals for this program is to build self efficacy for the youth and family when dealing with issues related to their specific situation. Another goal is to promote sustainability for a healthy family and successful reunification when appropriate. This service provides multi-tired communication strategy with all critical parties and is overseen by a licensed clinician or a master's level supervisor with direct experience.


Casey Life Skills


This program is designed to measure independent living skills using the Ansell-Casey Life Skills Assessment. We work to help our clients to understand and develop necessary the life skills, proper perspectives, and habits that will allow them to be self-sufficient and increase their odds of overcoming negative life challenges that are known to prohibit our clients from experiencing success.  This is a powerful program for individuals looking to take the next step of life into college, the military, or the workforce. In either case, the information is applicable to all.


Parent Development Coaching/Aid (PDCA)


This program focuses on positive development and reinforcement for parents facing single to multiple barriers of success individually and for their family holistically. We understand that all cases are unique in their identity so we adjust our treatment plan to match the need of the family. We work with a wide range of cases focusing on foster care prevention, substance abuse, domestic violence, family reunification, truancy, gang risk, and more. We work with single, seperated, and parents that are together to strengthen the family unit and help create a healthy environment to promote sustainable and positive growth.




Functional Family Therapy (FFT)


FFT is a Licensed, Evidence Based, short-term, high quality intervention program with an average of 12 to 14 sessions over three to five months. FFT works primarily with 11-to 18-year-old youth who have been referred for behavioral or emotional problems by the juvenile justice system, mental health system, school system, or child welfare system. Services are conducted in both clinic and home settings, and can also be provided in schools, child welfare facilities, probation and parole offices/aftercare systems and mental health facilities.




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